Collaboration between: Thora H Arnardottir & Brynja Gudnadottir
Project assistant: Soley Sara Eiriksdottir
This project is supported by:
The Hub for Biotechnology in the Built Environment
Design Council Iceland (Hönnunarsjóður).
Student Innovation Fund (Nýsköpunarsjóður Námsmanna) to employ a student to work with us.
Women Entrepreneur grant in Iceland towards a business plan.
1st call of the WORTH II Partnership Project, funded by the European Commission under COSME, the EU Programme for the competitiveness of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.
Developmental Seed Fund (Fræ).
GURU Research and Events Award, Newcastle University.
More on the project here
Unruly Matters and BrynjaHonnun have collaborated on the BioTiles project in a combination of science and design. Their innovative project aims to develop biocomposite tiles from bacterial biomineralization in bespoke casts featuring Icelandic volcanic sand that is environmentally friendly and self-healing.
The biotile manufacturing process may be defined as a steady flow of sand, liquid, and microorganisms. It is a partnership with a live entity that can only be managed partially. The result will always have some unpredictability, which adds to the allure of this strategy. Their shared journey strives to understand the restrictions and opportunities associated with scaling up a complicated biological process from laboratory research through product development and production. Their key issue is to scale this process in terms of what works, not just in terms of design, but also how they can assist this living, expanding organism and how this can be done quickly and cost-effectively.
The collaboration is based on Unruly Matters' expertise and research in biofabrication, and it is critical to fine-tune the procedure for the development of the tiles. The tiles are created using an experimental hands-on manufacturing approach tailored to the product's form, size, and material. BrynjaHonnun delivers a critical client perspective on the aesthetics and functionality of the interior tile as well as a larger consideration for sustainability in the built environment.

(2023) BioTiles project exhibited at the Virtual Worth Exhibition (3 - 7th of July).
(2023) BioTiles project exhibited at Worth Exhibition during Milan Design Week (20 - 23rd of April).
(2022) BioTiles project presented at the Climate Literacy Emergency Workshop, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University.
(2022) Developing bio titles from sand and bacteria. Interview in Frettabladid