living symbiotic wearables
Future Wardrobe is a bioplastic "living" garment, drawing on the hydrophobic properties of alginate, allowing the garment to host living algae in a continuously circulating liquid chamber. The "future" feature is a biome where the algae can interact with the wearer, through movement, sound, and environment.
Future Wardrobe is a partnership of artists, designers, and researchers collaborating to propose new perspectives on textile & fashion design, intersecting with materials, tech, and living species and aiming to design a future with plurality and equality of shared nature. Within the scope of the call-3 winning Worth Partnership project, Future Wardrobe is currently developing a ‘living jacket’, using, among others. living algae. As an embodiment of the vast knowledge and deep philosophy of the team behind Future Wardrobe, the jacket acts as a discussion piece to raise awareness for the urgencies and opportunities related to rethinking our relationship with fashion and nature.
We see the future of our wardrobe as living in symbiosis. Therefore, we work with living algae and approach them not as a resource, but as our client. A non-human client to whom we structure our design methods to accommodate the nurturing of its needs. We apply processes and techniques that are bio-centric. The designs and products we create are embedded with strong statements and are invitations to challenge the status quo. And this regardless of their nature, which could be highly conceptual and speculative as well as immediately applicable.
Project by: Thora H Arnardottir & Jessica Dias in collaboration with Catherine Euale & Lara Campos
This project was supported by the 3rd call of the WORTH Partnership Project, funded by the European Commission under COSME, the EU Programme for the competitiveness of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.
See more on the project here

(2021) Awarded in the Digital Fabrication category in the Fashion Digital Made Contest during Pow-wow Fashion-Tech Week. The prize was a
collaboration with Studio Elitre in Milan, about inclusive and adaptable design.
(2021) The Future of Creative Design is a digital 2-day event from the Worth projects. A series of exclusive in-depth talks and international guests will guide you to discover how the challenges we are facing globally and the solutions devised by designers and SMEs that converge around the most topical issues in fashion and design.
Watch the presentation here [1:40:00-1:46:00]
(2021) Fuorisalone Design Guide, a new platform for Milan Design Week 2021 with our Future Wardrobe project. If you are interested in finding out how Europe’s most creative designers are dealing with the hottest topics of design - don’t miss the ‘Creativity’ video series by Worth from 12-18th of April on FuorisaloneTV
(2021) Interview with Catherine Euale in Slow+Sustain Winter/Spring ‘21 issue about our collaboration in the Future Wardrobe Project.
(2020) Biosummit Speaking at the BioSummit tonight 10 pm GMT+1 with Catherine Euale & Lara Campos about our collaboration on the Future Wardrobe project and visualising the invisible!
Watch the presentation here [20:23-48:00]